
We want as many people as possible to be able to use the Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono website and engage with our work.

We’ve done our best to make this website as easy as possible to use and understand.

Our commitment to accessible websites

We’re committed to making information about Inclusive Aotearoa accessible to everyone in a way that meets their individual needs and promotes their independence and dignity.

When building this website, we worked with Access Advisors to do our best to make sure as much of the site is accessible. However, we understand that parts of this website may not be fully accessible for everyone with access requirements. For example, there is only a small amount of the website content which has been translated into NZ Sign language. We are working to change this and to reduce any other barriers we know about.

What we’re doing to improve accessibility

We know that making and then keeping a website accessible is an ongoing project. So, we are working to resolve all identified accessibility issues which are within our control.

We will regularly monitor the accessibility of the website and encourage our content editors and web developers to keep up to date with the latest accessibility best practice.

What to do if you can’t access parts of this website

Email us if you have any accessibility feedback for us, need support accessing content on our website, or want to request content in an alternate accessible format.

Email: [email protected]