Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono | Update #18


We are so proud of the way the Covid-19 crisis was handled in this country, thanks to the united way people came together to smash this pandemic within our borders. We know from our many conversations that it was not an easy time for many individuals, and we wish you the very best in your transition to life outside of lockdown.

The exciting news from us is that the road trip is back on! Anjum and Nona are heading to Northland to hold conversations with individuals and groups in the region.  After the Northland trip, we will head to Wellington to hold a hui, and we welcome your interest in joining us if you are in the area.

Please read below for details about the hui.  

This doesn’t mean the Zoom conversations are over – we will continue with these in the periods we are not on the road. More information on these conversations is below.  

We thank all of you who have participated and helped us find more participants for the conversations. Your contributions are invaluable.

Northland Road Trip

Our Northland road trip kicks off next week. We will start up the eastern side – beginning in Whangarei, moving north to the Bay of Islands, and then to Kerikeri, Kaitaia, before coming down the west coast through Opononi and Dargaville.

If there are contacts in any of these areas that you can suggest we reach out to, please email Talie or call 021 972 294.

Wellington Hui: Sat, 11th July 2020
Our Wellington Hui is planned for Saturday, 11th July 2020, 2pm- 5pm
Are you based in the Wellington area? Would you like to join our conversation? Do you know individuals or organisations who we should contact about coming to the hui?

The Wellington Hui is an opportunity to share experiences and ideas around what belonging feels like, what hinders this, and what needs to change.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Talie or call 021 972 294.

More Zoom conversations scheduled
The online conversations have been really successful and we will continue to hold these when we are not travelling on the road trip. If you haven’t participated in a conversation, please consider doing so. We want to hear from all of you. Every one of your voices is important in this work.

We are using Zoom to host our online events. If you haven’t used Zoom before, it’s easy to use and can be downloaded here. View upcoming Zoom events on our events page, or email Talie to book a conversation for you or your group.

Our online survey is still running
We’ve set up an online survey that asks our three questions around belonging – and allows you to submit answers at any time from home. Survey responses are completely anonymous. You can respond by typing or by voice recording.

We’d really love your help in completing our survey and sharing it with others. The more specifics or examples around your experiences and ideas you can give us, the more useful the data. There is no such thing as saying or writing too much!

Two more hui planned
We have dates locked in for two more hui:

Christchurch: Saturday, 15th August 2020
Auckland: Saturday, 12th September 2020
Save the dates!

Earth Beat Aotearoa

In 2014, a group of friends founded Earth Beat to provide a platform for transformation and celebration that will inspire and empower new ways of living. Earth Beat is for everyone, including all who are involved in the production of the festival. Through hosting transformational, co-creative events, they aim to nurture and nourish the mauri of Tāmaki Makaurau and Aotearoa, the land and the people.

Earth Beat Aotearoa envision a world where life is not only sustainable but regenerative; a world where we focus on potential rather than problems, where individual contributions are aligned with the greater good, and where we live in harmony with the natural rhythm of our bodies and the beat of the Earth.

This June, Earth Beat Aotearoa is running the Human Potential Series. There are many speakers and topics, and all that have already taken place are available to watch on the website below. Anjum Rahman will be presenting in the last week of June. You can watch Anjum’s presentation live on on June 27th at 4pm NZST by using the link below.

The event will also be on Zoom and the first 100 attendees will be able to ask live questions on the Zoom call. If you require further information, please contact Earth Beat.


Anti-racism events go global

George Floyd’s tragic and unnecessary murder has unleashed a tidal wave of anger, pain and suffering from centuries of overt and systemic racism that target people of colour in so many parts of the world. The world has also witnessed a determination from millions of people that things must change.

Our project is aligned with the goals of anti-racism causes across the globe and within Aotearoa New Zealand. Through the conversations we have held so far this year, race-based discrimination has been a recurring barrier to belonging that many of our participants have expressed. It is our hope that our project will contribute to the elimination of this barrier in our country.

In keeping with this global outpouring, Anjum Rahman participated in an online webinar series, Te Tiriti Based Futures: Anti-racism 2020. This innovative online Tiriti-based, anti-racism and decolonisation event in Aotearoa covered a range of topics including institutional racism and anti-racism, decolonisation, and transforming our constitution. Many of the sessions from the open-access webinars are freely posted on-line, where they are a permanent resource for anti-racist activism and Tiriti education.

Watch Anjum’s webinar, “Acceptable Discrimination: the use of language to side-step the consequences of racism:


Positive Impact Stories

During Alert Levels 3 & 4, the Student Volunteer Army offered a grocery delivery service. They delivered groceries nationwide to those who could not easily pop to the supermarket due to age, health or circumstance. They continued offering this service in Level 2.

In addition they provided a ‘chat and unpack’ service when making a grocery order, and launched a tech support initiative in which their services could be requested through an online form. Well done to the team of volunteers for their support throughout the lockdown period. If you are interested in what they do or would like to participate, contact Eriko Kobayashi or visit their website.

Andrés Proaño is an IT professional who is using his skills to make a difference. He got in touch with migrants who lost their jobs because of Covid-1.

These individuals, because of their visa status, were not eligible for the wage subsidy nor for other government assistance, but at the same time, they were not able to return home because flights to their countries were not running. They are still struggling, and need assistance.

Andrés started a website to help them find resources and more information. He is also trying to find places that will host them for a few days as some are struggling to pay for accommodation. If you or anyone you know can help with this, please let Andrés know at: 0284279253.