Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono – Update #35

Read the full version with images HERE. If you’d like to receive our monthly pānui and invites to special events straight to your inbox, sign up now.



We hope you are all keeping well and safe in these trying times. Our pānui for March is once again filled to the brim with updates from our team, plus some great opportunities to either contribute to or share with your networks.

A special note around viewing/reading this email – if for any reason the text is not displaying correctly, click the ‘View this email in your browser’ link above the logo at the top of this email. This should take you to a fully functional pānui to read.

Remember, if there are any individuals or groups in your community/networks who don’t know about us, but would tautoko our kaupapa, please do invite them to subscribe to our pānui or follow us on FacebookInstagram & Twitter. You can also direct them to our website to learn more about us, or they can email us if they have specific questions about partnering with us.

Finally, if you have any news, opportunities, resources etc…that you would like us to amplify for you through our channels, get in touch with our friendly Comms Coordinator Anusha.

Arohanui, The IACT team

He aha te kai a te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.

What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.

Aroha atu, aroha mai

Let us show respect for each other

Tātou i a tātou katoa

For one another

Hui e! Taiki e!

Bind us all together!

IACT in Action

IACT Project: Call out for participants for ‘pilot hui’

This is a call out to our wonderful network of supporters!

We are currently in the process of planning a new set of belonging and inclusion conversations nationwide for 2022, to build upon the initial conversations we hosted in 2020. A lot has changed in the last two years. The world is feeling like a very different place, so we think another round of conversations is important.

The purpose is to understand the identities, values and emotions that underpin belonging and inclusion today; to engage communities in solution making; and, to amplify the voices of communities that are less heard. We’re also very keen to host conversations in regions and with communities that we didn’t get a chance to speak to in 2020.

Before we host these conversations out in the community, we are running two ‘pilot hui’, a couple of trial runs to help us iron out any issues, and practice a slightly new way of having these conversations.

What we need: We are looking for volunteers to participate in these trial runs

  • If you can participate, awesome!
  • If you can bring at least one other person from your networks with you to participate, even better!
  • If you can nominate one person from your networks to participate, amazing!

When: You only have to choose one session

  • Session 1: Tues 22 March, 7pm – 8.30pm (RSVP by Mon 21 March, 5pm)
  • Session 2: Thurs 24 March, 10am – 11.30am (RSVP by Wed 23 March, 5pm)

Where: Online on Zoom, we’ll send you the link and any background info you might need.

Interested? If you are available and keen to participate, we’d love to hear from you. Email Tim Pare (IACT Project Facilitator) at [email protected]

IACT Community Voices – What’s Your Tūrangawaewae?

Community Voices is our new webinar series where we invite people to kōrero with us on belonging and inclusion related topics. It’s about amplifying the voices and views/whakaaro of different communities from across the motu.

For our first webinar, What’s Your Tūrangawaewae? we gathered a group of people from the community to chat to us about their tūrangawaewae, and the words, places, icons and images they use to describe it.

We had a very rich kōrero and we’d like to give a big mihi to our voices from the community: Helen Yeung, Leo Magri, Yasmene Shah & Malu Malo-Fuiava for sharing their tūrangawaewae with us and all who tuned in.

The next Community Voices webinar is scheduled for Friday 25 March, 12.30pm – 1.30pm, LIVE on our Facebook page. We’ll be announcing the guests soon!

Click HERE to watch the full webinar.

International Race Relations Day – Truth Spoken, Truth Heard

Next Monday 21 March is International Race Relations Day and to mark the occasion Courageous Conversation Aotearoa Foundation in partnership with Auckland Arts Festival are hosting a special online event: Truth Spoken, Truth Heard.

The event will take an in-depth look at why truth is necessary for a collective understanding of racial equity in Aotearoa, through a protocol for healthy and productive conversations about race and racism.

Featuring our own Anjum Rahman as one of the panellists for the morning session (10.30am – 12.30pm) alongside Meng Foon, Dr Teorongonui Josie Keelan and Tigilau Ness.

Click HERE for more info and to purchase a ticket. We’ll see you there!

Increase your knowledge

Population Diversity in Aotearoa New Zealand: Insights from the CADDANZ Research Programme

Capturing the Diversity Dividend of Aotearoa/New Zealand (CaDDANZ) was a research programme lead by teams from the University of Waikato and Massey University. The team also included staff from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research in Wellington. It was funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

This research investigates the changing ‘face’ of New Zealand as a result of migrant settlement, international migration, growing ethnic diversity, population ageing and urban growth.

It then identifies how New Zealand can better prepare for, and respond to, these demographic changes in order for the country to maximise the benefits associated with an increasingly diverse population.

Download and read the full CADDANZ report.

Get Involved

A message from Foundation North

Foundation North’s vision is Enhanced Lives. We seek to do this in Tāmaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tokerau by being responsive to changing community aspirations and needs, focusing our mahi for greater impact. We provide around $40 million in funding support each year, to enable not-for-profit initiatives large and small to respond to the needs of their communities now and for generations to come.

As a strategic grantmaker, looking to contribute towards better outcomes for present and future generations, we want our support to have impact in four key focus areas: Increased Equity, Social Inclusion, Regenerative Environment and Community Support. Learn more about these here. Foundation North has been a proud supporter of Inclusive Aotearoa Collective since its inception.

We have two funding programmes that are open all year, and that you can apply for online at any time. Learn about Quick Response Grants here, and Community Grants here.

Learn more about Foundation North HERE.

Register for the next intake of Tauiwi Tautoko

Tauiwi Tautoko (‘non-Maori in support’) is a novel and evidence-based anti-racism approach co-created by Laura O’Connell Rapira and Emily Beausoleil, an approach that brings listening strategies and values-based messaging to transform racist views one conversation at a time.

And the good news is, the team are relaunching the formal 10-week training programme in April – from 9 April – 11 June 2022!

The training will take place in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington and Ōtautahi Christchurch simultaneously, a combo of online and in-person.

Learn more and register for Tauiwi Tautoko.

Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism – Strategic Framework Hui

Within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), work has begun on developing a Strategic Framework for preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalisation.

The Strategic Framework is partially in response to Recommendation 4 of the Royal Commission, which states that government should ‘develop and implement a public facing strategy that addresses extremism and preventing, detecting and responding to current and emerging threats of violent extremism and terrorism’.

The Working Group would like to involve communities and civil society in the process, will host open kōrero sessions for anyone interested in contributing. The dates for these hui are:

  • Tuesday 29 March, 6pm – 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 30 March, 10am – 11.30am
  • Thursday 31 March, 6pm – 7.30pm
  • Saturday 2 April, 10am – 11.30am

Click the button below to register your attendance. You can find more information about this mahi on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website.

Register your attendance HERE.

Match | Te Puna Taurite launches 28 March

We are proud supporters of Match | Te Puna Taurite (MTPT) who are preparing to launch an innovative new service that aims to help those both seeking and distributing philanthropic funding in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The vision of MTPT is a more equitable, accessible and collaborative funding system – a real gamechanger for the funding sector.

The service officially launches on Monday 28 March, head to the Philanthropy New Zealand website to learn more, find and follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn, and subscribe to their mailing list for regular updates.

You can take a lead

A more inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand needs collective leadership and action. We invite you and your community to connect with us and others working for an inclusive society via the options below: