Te Whakatinatanga o Te Tiriti – A collaboration with Groundwork

It was a pleasure for us to contribute and collaborate with Groundwork in developing rauemi for their Te Whakatinatanga o Te Tiriti (Te Tiriti in Practice) resource kete.

The resources are intended for organisations engaging with Te Tiriti o Waitangi at different stages. They highlight practical experiences and learnings to provide ideas and inspiration for this work. 

Our kaimahi were interviewed by Darryn Ooi, and in our kōrero we discussed our journey with Te Tiriti, co-leadership and Te ao Māori, as well as some points of advice to organisations on their own path. 

We really appreciate the mahi Groundwork do in putting together such accessible and effective resources. We also highly recommend the other tools they have for understanding and engaging with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, which can be found in the rauemi section of their website.

Check out the kaupapa below, alongside some great content established with Manaaki Tāngata – Victim Support Aotearoa.
