You are invited to participate in a conversation about: Te Toto Kei Roto: A Treaty that resonates with all Kiwis

Te Kohanga Reo National Trust, 67 Hankey Street,
Mount Cook, Wellington
Tuesday, 6th July

The Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono (IACT) is collaborating across the country with individuals, organisations and communities committed to working together to build a more socially inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. We partner with communities to amplify voices less heard. We weave Te Tiriti o Waitangi through all our work to build a better society.

Last year IACT conducted nationwide research to learn what kiwis had to say about belonging and inclusion in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The research findings have now been published here.  Our next step is to support conversations around focus areas that emerged from the study, beginning with deepening understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi for all kiwis; engaging media as allies; and countering racist practices in schools.

Keriana Tawhiwhirangi and Tim Pare are Project Facilitators working with IACT. We are welcoming participants for two hui in Wellington, one from 10am until 12pm and the other from 2pm until 4pm.

The theme is: Te Toto Kei Roto: A Treaty that resonates with all Kiwis. The purpose is (a) to assess interest in engaging in conversations about the Treaty; (b) to identify who else should be in the room; and (c) to build on the conversation to sharpen our focus and move towards regional and national hui later in the year.

If you want more information about IACT, please visit our website at:

Please click here to register for the hui. Please also let us know of any other individuals or organisations from your networks that might be interested in participating.


10.00am – 12.00pm and 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Sign-up here now!

If you have any questions, please email us.

Keriana Tawhiwhirangi        [email protected]        021 330 799

Tim Pare                                       [email protected]       0211 998077

Further details on our community project can be found here