Conversations about Belonging 2022

In 2020 we hosted a set of conversations across Aotearoa New Zealand, to understand if people feel they belong, and what needs to change if they don’t.  We’ve been using this research to guide our mahi over the last two years, connecting community efforts across the motu to create greater social impact. 

Much has changed in the last two years (e.g a global pandemic), so in the second half of 2022 we’re hitting the virtual road for more conversations, to talk to communities we didn’t get a chance to talk to last time, to see what has changed and what hasn’t, and to create an accurate picture of the current social environment. 

What is it all about?

Conversations about Belonging is a virtual road trip to collect stories of belonging from communities across Aotearoa New Zealand. We’ll be collaborating with community organisations across the country to co-host group conversations and asking the questions: 

When do you feel like you belong? 

What stops you from feeling like you belong? 

What needs to change so you feel like you belong? 

It’s important to us that we understand the identities, values and emotions that underpin belonging and inclusion today. It is also paramount that communities are engaged in solution making and are given space to share and amplify their voices and experiences. 

How will these conversations inform our work? 

The data we gather from this next round of conversations will help us identify areas where we can bring people and communities together to increase belonging and inclusion across Aotearoa New Zealand. It will also help us draw out the main themes to guide our project going forward. 

IACT is a nationwide community-led project working to create a fully inclusive, Te Tiriti-based future for Aotearoa New Zealand. Our vision is of an Aotearoa New Zealand where everyone feels they belong. We’ve always based our work on community needs, and will continue to do so with this latest round of kōrero.

How can you get involved?

Join us for a Conversation about Belonging! This is a chance to share your thoughts about belonging and inclusion. 

If you’re interested in having a Conversation about Belonging in your community, especially if you haven’t already had one – we’d love to hear from you. Send an email to [email protected] to have a chat. 

The Conversations about Belonging series is proudly brought to you by Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono, and sponsored by InternetNZ.