Festival for the Future 2021 – videos now available!

Our Project Co-Lead Anjum delivered two presentations at the Festival for the Future event, the 3 day summit that took place from 30 July – 1 August 2021 in Wellington. She contributed to a panel discussion ‘How a focus on diversity and inclusion is critical for our most vulnerable communities’, and gave a Keynote address on the theme of ‘Courageous leadership in the face of adversity’.

These two presentations are now available to view thanks to the FFTF team!

  • ‘How a focus on diversity and inclusion is critical for our most vulnerable communities’ panel discussion 

How do we move forward to create better outcomes for Aotearoa New Zealand’s most vulnerable communities?

Currently, rangatahi who are aged 17-24 years and Māori, Pasifika, LGBTQI+ or disabled often experience disadvantages and marginalisation due to their ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity and disability. Rangatahi Māori, Pacific young people and disabled young people are also less likely to be in education, employment or training when compared with the general youth population.

Moderator: Mary Haddock-Staniland
Panellists: Ziena Jalil, Talei Bryant, Julia Arnott-Neenee, Anjum Rahman