Join us at Murihiku Marae for Bridging Cultures Invercargill

In the wake of te rā o Waitangi, we are announcing the first of our dates for Bridging Cultures 2024. Our next hui will be held on March 9th at Murihiku Marae in Waihōpai/Invercargill.

We warmly invite all local tangata whenua, Pasifika, and ethnic community members to join us for the day. This free event will feature various activities aimed at strengthening and better understanding our community, including history sessions from the local hāpū, facilitated whānaungatanga workshops, and discussions on how to honor Te Tiriti o Waitangi to bring about a more inclusive future for Aotearoa.

The kotahitanga seen (and felt) in recent events reflect the power of our community’s voice, and we hope that our whānau in this rohe can make it along on March 9th to share and participate in this journey 🌸