Media As Allies
Te Toto Kei Roto (a Treaty that resonates with all of us)
Q + A with Jack Tame – Q+A panel discuss Budget 2021, Ports of Auckland and the National Party
Q + A with Jack Tame – Q+A panel discuss Budget 2021, Ports of Auckland and the National Party. Tau Henare, Anjum Rahman and Russel Norman spoke to Q+A about a range of issues.…
Quaker Lecture 2021 – STORIES of BELONGING – A Journey across Aotearoa
Anjum Rahman is the Project Lead of the Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono, a project designed to create a place to belong for all Kiwis. During 2020, the Collective held conversations with hundreds of Kiwis from many diverse backgrounds about th…
Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono – UPDATE #27
Ni sa bulla, Our Constellation Hui have commenced this week, with the first one to be held in Whakatane, then Auckland. Our Project Facilitators have been busy lining up more meetings face to face and also via Zoom around the country. The three …
BERL webinar on value and values
berl - Recorded 4 May 2021, our webinar on value and values explores what it means to be values-driven and asks, what’s the value of values?…
The National Race Unity Hui – 9am–9pm, Saturday 8 May 2021
The National Race Unity Hui will give over 100 young people (15-30) and their supporters a chance to share their views, listen to one another and build a common vision of the future of race relations in Aotearoa.…
The Threat to multicultural Australasia from white extremist terrorism
The Australian Council of Christians and Jews and the Council of Christians and Jews Victoria present a discussion of the threat to multiculturalism in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand from white extremist terrorism. This presentation features an e…
Silver tsunami: The defiant oldies who ride their own wave
Ruth Gerzon - who describes herself as among the "more assertive" Baby Boomer generation - founded the Eastern Bay Villages, a local collective run for - and by - older people. …