Media As Allies

Supporting communities and media businesses to work together to fully and authentically represent the stories the country needs and wants to hear.

Ka hōkā a Tāhono i Uta! Ka hōkā a Tāhono i Tai

Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono (IACT) is led by the belief that, together, we can build an inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand, founded on the partnership of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We recognise that the media reaches into every home across Aotearoa in some shape or form.

We also recognise that the media is a powerful platform that can have positive and negative influences. Media shapes the views of all New Zealanders in ways that both enable and heal division, harden and soften prejudice and make people feel included or excluded from society. We have witnessed the corrosive power of the far-right media in other countries. We know that media entities are accountable to their owners and shareholders to deliver profit; it is not their job to create a socially just and equitable society.

We also acknowledge a lack of cultural capacity within many media organisations results in an inability to represent every diverse group authentically. We are encouraged by the increasing number of socially conscious media organisations within Aotearoa New Zealand, assessing how they are reporting stories.

We want to explore how we can work together as communities and media businesses to fully and authentically represent the stories the country needs and wants to hear without bringing harm. We are excited by what can be achieved when more media platforms harness their influence to make all people feel a strengthened sense of belonging and inclusion.

If you would like to participate in any of the hui or have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].