Tāhono Media

Working for authentic media representation

Tāhono Media is a rōpū focused on improving news media representation of underrepresented communities in Aotearoa. Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono supports the group as part of our mission of improving belonging and inclusion in New Zealand.

During IACT’s Belonging and Inclusion research, communities reported to us that the way they are represented in the media does not accurately reflect their actions and culture and is a direct barrier to their sense of belonging in our country.

News media has the powerful position of weakening or perpetuating stereotypes of identity groups through the way they frame communities in their reporting and storytelling. Not only can narratives in the media impact the well-being of individuals, but also entire communities.

The media also play an important role in positively influencing opinions, countering divisions and mistrust, and helping create well-being and social cohesion.

Tāhono Media sets out to bridge the gaps between the reality of what society looks like and what has been depicted in the media and ensure the media reflects our society with all its diversity. The core group acts as an organizing body for the wider Tāhono Media collaboration and is comprised of a diverse range of professional and lived experiences. Inclusive Aotearoa acts as a secretariat, holding the group as it develops and implements a programme to work together to bring about a more inclusive media landscape.

  • Our work so far

    Read about why our group came together, and how our journey has looked so far.

  • Our work looking forward

    Read about our goals and intentions going forward.

Tāhono Media News