Te Toto kei Roto

Te Toto kei Roto

Te Toto kei Roto (TTKR) is a forum that brings together activists and advocates from diverse backgrounds and diverse perspectives who agree that TeTiriti o Waitangi, the only signed Treaty, embodies values that provide a political foundation for the future of Aotearoa New Zealand. These values provide for respectful relationships grounded in reciprocity, generosity, partnership and the recognition of the mana inherent in all beings.

The forum came together initially at a “Wayfinding Wānanga” held under the umbrella of IACT, seeking a way forward out of a history of colonisation and white privilege into a framework of belonging for all communities in Aotearoa that honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

The participants in TTKR recognise that Te Tiriti was and remains an invitation to Tāngata Tiriti to belong to this land, but only if the terms of the Treaty are honoured.

We use the term Tāngata Tiriti to mean all non-Māori, who cannot whakapapa to a Māori ancestor and belong to this land by right of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. ‘Tāngata Tiriti’ incorporates diverse cultural and/or ethnic heritages, not just people of British heritage.

In 2022 TTKR expanded and clarified its intentions as a group. The group conducted a 6-month learning review that confirmed its identity as a learning forum that creates a safe, trusting, and collaborative space for members to learn from one another about how to honour Te Tiriti. Having formed a partnership with Tauiwi mo Matike Mai Aotearoa, the group now sits outside of IACT.