Taking a day for Te Tiriti with the Hui E! collective
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Te Tiriti Training
Last Thursday we were grateful to spend a day with the amazing Hui E! tīma, working with them through our one-day educational Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop.
Throughout the day we worked through what a full commitment to Te Tiriti looks like for an organisation, using context from the impacts of treaty breaches to strengthen collective commitment.
Hui E! do crucial work in amplifying, up-skilling, platforming and representing community groups, hapū, and iwi across Aotearoa, New Zealand, and it was so valuable for us to spend this time with a rōpū focused on a kaupapa so aligned to our own. A giant mihi to them for taking courageous and proactive steps in their Te Tiriti journey, at a time in Aotearoa where it is perhaps never more needed.