Nau mai, 2024

Nau mai, 2024

Ngā mihi o te tau hou. Happy New Year to our friends and followers.

The IACT crew are officially back in action as of this week after a restful summer holiday – and the mahi is already ramping up!

We have started planning our next Bridging Cultures hui, which is happening in Waihōpai Invercargill early this year. If you have any whānau or friends in the region that would be keen then watch this space for information.

A group photo of the IACT team at Whakatāne

A new year offers us a clear opportunity for reflection and refinement, and you might notice some (exciting) shifts to some of our current projects as the year rolls out! Alongside this is a new initiative that we have been nurturing for some time now, which will hopefully be seeing light in the next few months.

We wish you the very best for 2024, and look forward to sharing, engaging, and working with you all as the year unfurls before us.  As always, if you ever want to get in touch with us for the sake of collaboration, education, one of our services, or just to say hi, then feel welcome to reach out.

Mā te wā from the Tāhono whānau