New Code of Practice Report: “How to improve the Aotearoa New Zealand Code of Practice for Online Safety and Harms?”

This month, Te Kāhui Tika Tangata (The Human Rights Commission) issued a report titled “How to improve the Aotearoa New Zealand Code of Practice for Online Safety and Harms?”.
Both Anjum and Gareth from IACT worked on this report as part of the Independent Accountability Group. In 2024 the Code of Practice that technology companies developed to guide their management of online harm in Aotearoa NZ will be reviewed. In advance of this review, the HRC assembled this accountability group of experts to influence the outcomes and focus of the code’s future. With a focus on Te Tiriti and human rights, is hoped that some of the group’s suggestions that this report puts forward will be taken into consideration.
Read and download the report here. An interview between Anjum and 531 Radio discussing the report and the current shortcomings of the Code of Practice.