A guide to just transitions – Motu Research Report

Motu Research has just released a new research-based and action-oriented guide to help communities and organisations run their own just transition processes in response to challenges like climate change, rapid technological change, employment changes in regions and the transition to renewable energy.

The report is titled ‘He puka arataki whakawhitinga tika/A guide to just transitions’ – for communities in Aotearoa New Zealand mō ngā hapori i Aotearoa.

The guide offers practical ideas, methods, and tools enabling communities to come together to solve problems in ways that work better for everyone. It draws on tikanga and mātauranga Māori and includes brief case studies of transitions led by iwi, hapū and Māori communities as well as other communities around Aotearoa.

IACT is featured in the report as a case study on the work we did with Ngāti Toa and Te Reo o Ngā Tāngata in late 2021. Together, we held a ‘Porirua Citizens’ Assembly’ – coming together to consider and map out a local climate response using a Te Tiriti-based Climate Assembly.