October Pānui 2022 – Update #42

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Nau mai, haere mai!

Welcome to our October Pānui!

It’s the first days of November, and it seems that Spring change is well and truly upon us! Amidst staff changes, a bunch of internal projects and events, we are glad to find that time of the month to share our offerings with you our lovely followers!

Read on to see some of the things we’ve been up to.

Remember, we’re here to support you shine the light on the important issues, so if you have anything you’d like us to include in future pānui, on our website or social media, please do get in touch!

Mā te wa – Staughm (on behalf of the IACT team)

Haere rā to our communications coordinator

Starting out with the tough stuff, our cherished communications coordinator Anusha moved on from IACT this month to new ventures. For over a year she played a key role in creating and maintaining the appearance of IACT, and we will miss her precious mahi going forward!

To steer us through the interim, our latest team member Staughm will be taking over the role.

Haere rā and all the best to you Anusha!

Anjum speaks at the David Wakim Memorial Lecture 2022

Earlier in October our Project Co-Lead Anjum spoke at the 2022 David Wakim Memorial Lecture, commemorating the activist with a speech titled ‘Protecting Democracy in an Online World’. Anjum’s lecture touches on the implications of disinformation and its capacity to hinder modern democracy and movements of inclusivity.

David Wakim was a passionate advocate for Tiriti o Waitangi and Palestinian human rights, dedicating much of his life to the struggle for peace and social justice.

Follow a link below to listen to, watch, or read what Anjum had to say about the topic.

Tūrangawaewae Stories Report

Tūrangawaewae is a National Iwi Chairs process for having conversations about belonging, which IACT has been using it to sit alongside other conversations we have run on belonging and inclusion.

Through both online and face-to-face huis, the kōrero we gathered from the conversations highlights the way that cultural background and experiences shape the way Pākehā and other Tauiwi define belonging and their place in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The new published report shares some case studies from the conversations, alongside a summary of what we learnt.

Upcoming Inclusive Faith Regional Hui in Whāngarei

Over winter 2022 our partner Inclusive Faith Project team travelled Aotearoa, successfully delivering 7 regional hui, 2 online hui and 1 rangatahi hui, alongside our local partners. Each hui has been different and diverse, with each one offering rich kōrero and learnings. The stories and experiences shared have been authentic, heartfelt and valuable. Discussions were often challenging, ultimately delivering messages of hope, connection, and purpose – values that connect us all, across different disabilities, faith traditions and life experiences.

This time partnering with NorthAble Disability Services, the next hui builds off a run of exploratory discussions around accessibility and inclusivity in our faith communities and interfaith relationship. It’s taking place on the 8th of November, at the NorthTec Raumanga Campus in Whangarei.

Get Involved

Keen for a Conversation about Belonging in your community?

Conversations about Belonging is a virtual road trip to collect stories of belonging from communities across Aotearoa New Zealand. We’re keen to collaborate with community organisations across the country to co-host group conversations and ask the questions:

  • When do you feel like you belong?
  • What stops you from feeling like you belong?
  • What needs to change so you feel like you belong?

The data we gather from these conversations will help us identify areas where we can bring people and communities together to increase belonging and inclusion across Aotearoa New Zealand. It will also help us draw out the main themes to guide our project going forward. This is how the data from our 2020 research was used.

It’s important to us that we understand the identities, values and emotions that underpin belonging and inclusion today. It’s also equally important that communities are engaged in solution making and are given space to share and amplify their voices and experiences.

If you’re interested in having a Conversation about Belonging in your community, especially if you haven’t already had one – we’d love to hear from you. Send an email to [email protected] to have a chat.

A more inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand needs collective leadership and action. We invite you and your community to connect with us and others working for an inclusive society.

If there are any individuals or groups in your community/networks who don’t know about us, but would tautoko our kaupapa, please do invite them to subscribe to our pānui or follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. You can also direct them to our website to learn more about us, or they can email us if they have specific questions about collaborating with us.