Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono | Update # 15

Kia ora koutou, Greetings, Namaste, Bonjour, Shalom, Hamjambo, Hola, Talofa lava, Nihau, Konichiwa & As-Salaam-Alaikum,

COVID-19 update
The first week of COVID-19 Level 4 restrictions is nearing and every one of us has experienced that differently. For some, adjusting to those sudden changes can be likened to stages in the grieving process.

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance – all of these may be felt, in no prescribed order, and in a way that makes the immediate changes necessary quite difficult to comprehend or manage. Our thoughts and aroha are with you all.

But we all have this: we have a common goal. To pull our country through to the other side of the COVID-19 threat, and enable a place where we re-form and reconnect.

In the last few weeks we have seen beautiful examples of love and compassion; people reaching out to strangers to care and comfort; and those who may ordinarily feel isolated taken into the fold of their local community.

Now, more than ever, that sense of belonging and inclusion is key. That freedom to thrive and be appreciated for who you are is crucial as we move through the next weeks of self-isolation.

Join our Virtual Road Trip

We are continuing with our Conversations about Belonging and Inclusion. Taking them online, we’re holding a virtual road trip that will head into local regions and towns in New Zealand, bringing in voices from across the country to talk about what belonging feels like what hinders this, and what needs to change.

We’ll be using Zoom to host our online events
It’s an easy tool to use and allows us to talk with you via video call. We can host group events or one-to-one. Just let us know.

Not used Zoom before? It’s easy to use (and perfect for keeping in touch during Level 4 restrictions) and can be downloaded here.

Our upcoming events
All are welcome and anyone can join us! These events will be published on our Facebook page. Please take a look at our upcoming events and join us. Or visit our events page for more information.

Our online survey is live!

Prefer to answer key questions about belonging via a survey?  We’ve set up an online survey that asks the same three questions around belonging – and allows you to submit answers at any time from home.   Survey responses are completely anonymous. We’d really love your helping in completing our survey and sharing it with others.

Click here to start the survey

Zoom Hang-out Space

While we are in Level 4 restrictions, we welcome any and all to join us every Tuesday morning at 10 am for a social virtual coffee hour. Let’s connect, talk about coping during lockdown, the positives, the concerns, and looking forward.

If you would like to join us, head to our Facebook page and register for the next Zoom Hang Out Space. All four of us will be there.

Need to talk?

We are all available and happy to support in whatever way we can. You are welcome to reach out to any of us via email:

What’s happening in your locale to connect to your community?

Tell us your positive impact stories and we’ll share them here. Are you hosting zoom parties? Dropping off home-cooked food to someone in need? Shopping for a friend or neighbour? Putting a bear in your window? Online exercising with friends?

This month’s good news story …
Timi Barabas moved to New Zealand from Hungary when she was 15. Now a Year 13 student at Rototuna High School, Timi has spent the last two years working as an activist for compassion.

Her response to Covid-19 was to set up a Facebook page advocating kindness. Through this page, Timi has assembled a team of youth who are actively outreaching to elderly care facilities in the city to find out who would like a phone or letter-writing buddy from a list of local volunteers they collected.

Timi also regularly posts information about other ways to help out during the Covid-19 crisis.

If you are in Hamilton, please join Timi’s Facebook page – or check out her ideas of what you can put online for your local community.

“In every crisis, doubt or confusion, take the higher path – the path of compassion, courage, understanding and love.” – Amit Ray