Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono – Update #39

Read the full version with images HERE. If you’d like to receive our monthly pānui and invites to special events straight to your inbox, sign up now.


Nau mai, haere mai – welcome to our Hōngongoi (July) Pānui!

We’re popping into your inbox today to share the latest news from us, as well as a round-up of some upcoming events and opportunities that we tautoko and hope you will too.

Remember, we’re here to help you shine the light on the important issues, so if you have anything you’d like us to include in future pānui, on our website or social media, please do get in touch!

Mā te wa, the IACT team

He aha te kai a te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.

What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.

Aroha atu, aroha mai

Let us show respect for each other

Tātou i a tātou katoa

For one another

Hui e! Taiki e!

Bind us all together!

IACT in Action

Conversations about Belonging 2022!

In 2020 we hosted a set of conversations across Aotearoa New Zealand, to understand if people feel they belong, and what needs to change if they don’t. We’ve been using this research to guide our mahi over the last two years, connecting community efforts across the motu to create greater social impact.

Much has changed in the last two years (e.g a global pandemic), so in the second half of 2022 we’re hitting the virtual road for more Conversations about Belonging! Click HERE to read more about what we’ll be doing and how you/your community can get involved.

Connect & Kōrero: Sun 7 August 2022

We had an amazing time co-hosting the very first Connect & Kōrero event in Tāmaki Makaurau on Sat 9 July, led by an incredible group of ethnic young people with support from the Ministry of Youth Development – New ZealandInnovation Unit ANZ & University of Auckland – Waipapa Taumata Rau.

We’re happy to announce that the date is set and registration is now open for the next Connect & Kōrero event – this time taking place online via Zoom. Click HERE to read more about the next event and how you can register your attendance.

IACT releases joint statement with Tohatoha & InternetNZ

On Monday 25 July we issued a joint statement with Tohatoha and InternetNZ in response to the release of the Aotearoa New Zealand Code of Practice for Online Safety and Harms. which was officially signed into effect on Mon 25 July by Netsafe, NZTech, Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp), Google (YouTube), Amazon (Twitch), Twitter and Tiktok.

“Any Code of Practice should begin by acknowledging the extreme power imbalance between users and the platforms. This Code and the process that led to it shows that those behind it have no awareness of this inequity and are not interested in rebalancing that power differential.”

Read the full joint statement.

Get Involved

Register for the Kotahitanga Wānanga Series

Pou Tikanga of the National Iwi Chairs Forum with mana whenua host Ngāti Porou are hosting a special e-wānanga on Wednesday 3 August, 11am – 4pm as part of their Kotahitanga Wānanga series.

This is the fourth session in the series and the August edition will feature:

👉🏾 “Lets talk about Racism” with Wally Penetito, Tina Ngata and Tricia Keelan.

👉🏾 Draft National Plan of Action for UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

👉🏾 Māori Participation in Local Government Elections with Meredith Akuhata-Brown, Nikki Kennedy, Tamatha Paul and Bonita Bigham.

Learn more and register your attendance!

Join the St John West Auckland Area Committee!

Passionate about health and wellbeing for the communities of West Auckland? Looking for a volunteering opportunity that aligns with these interests?

Join the West Auckland Area Committee to support St John programmes, services and volunteers in West Auckland, and help to build St John’s capacity to deliver relevant community health initiatives to benefit West Auckland communities!

West Auckland Area Committee are keen to appoint people with knowledge and lived experience of Māori, Pasifika and Asian communities, as well as educators, accountants, project managers and community health professionals, to help us identify and develop ways in which St John can work in partnership with our communities to support health and wellbeing.

If you are interested in this opportunity, live or are connected to the West Auckland area, and can spare 60 to 90 hours per year to volunteer, please get in touch with [email protected] for more information. Closing date: 12 August 2022.

Applications open for Mahi Tika August cohort

In 2020, Disabled Persons Assembly NZ (DPA) launched Mahi Tika – Equity in Employment, an employment programme in the Waikato region that enhances the employment journey of disabled people.

They are now recruiting for the next intake of Waikato-based participants to join the programme in August 2022, with workshops and mentoring taking place online. Learn more…

New dates for Inclusive Faith events

We recently shared info about the Inclusive Faith Project, an initiative of the New Zealand Office for Disability Issues and the series of regional gatherings to bring disabled people into conversation with faith influencers and leaders.

New dates are now available for Waikato (10 August), and Te Whanganui-a-tara (3 August). Full details and registration links can be found on our website.

A more inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand needs collective leadership and action. We invite you and your community to connect with us and others working for an inclusive society.

If there are any individuals or groups in your community/networks who don’t know about us, but would tautoko our kaupapa, please do invite them to subscribe to our pānui or follow us on FacebookInstagram & Twitter. You can also direct them to our website to learn more about us, or they can email us if they have specific questions about collaborating with us.